Baptism is a big step of faith, and a wonderful celebration of what Jesus has done for us. In baptism we celebrate what Jesus did for us, we pledge our obedience to him, and we commit to be a part of his people.

If you would like to be baptised, watch the videos below and consider the commitments you are making to Jesus.

If you have made these commitments, fill in the form at the bottom of the page and we will get in touch with you about taking next steps. 

Exploring Baptism #1

Have you accepted Jesus as your saviour?

Exploring Baptism #2

Are you committed to following Jesus as your Lord?

Exploring Baptism #3

Are you committed to being an active part of the body of Christ?
Baptism Application Form

We are so excited that you are exploring baptism. 

If you have watched the videos above, and have made the three commitments, we would love to celebrate baptism with you. Please fill in the form via the link, and one of our leaders will be in touch to discuss next steps. 

Baptism Application Form